Genre Blab – The Genre Traveler podcast

Carma Spence runs a very cool blog and site called The Genre Traveler ( where, among other things, she posts podcasts with writers who till the fields of genre of all sorts.  She looked me up and the result is a wide-ranging conversation about fear in literature, the excitement of initial ideas, and the inadequacy of “good writing” as the distinction between so-called genre and literary fiction.

Carma did some expert editing, too, as I sound more coherent than I recall.  And we must have done the interview after my afternoon coffee:  I can hear the caffeine in my voice.

Genre Traveler Podcast – Pyper

One Reply to “Genre Blab – The Genre Traveler podcast”

  1. I will have to check this out as I enjoy hearing people all hopped up on coffee. In the meantime, however, I think I have made a terrible mistake. I recommended The Guardians to a fourteen year old boy. Is he too young? Will he be traumatized? ( I was slightly traumatized) Will his parents hate me? Should I warn his mom before he gets the book?!

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