The Demon Community Needs Your Vote!

The CBC Bookie Awards are on now, and The Demonologist has been nominated for Thriller of the Year (that year being last year, 2013, as this year, 2014, is too young to have demonstrated the best of anything yet).  It’s an honest-to-god honour to be in the running with some great fellow Canadian mystery and suspense novelists.

If you feel so inclined, why not hit the link below, scroll down to the Mystery & Thriller titles, and give the demons your vote.  Thank you!

(This message has been endorsed by the Committee for the Advancement of Demonologists).

CBC Bookies Voting Page

The Demonologist a National Bestseller at Chapters/Indigo Canada!

Just wanted to share the cool news that, at the moment, The Demonologist is the #4 In-Store Bestseller at Chapters/Indigo (the biggest – and one and only – national bookstore chain in Canada).  And while that’s nice and all, it means that if you go into one of those stores you can get the new paperback for 40% off…which means it’s essentially free, give or take ten bucks.

Thanks to those who’ve bought and/or read and/or told their friends they liked it.  You’re good – if mildly twisted – people.

New Book, New Title

There isn’t a publication date (though it won’t be for a good while yet), and I can’t really tell you what it’s about (aside from it’s scary), and even what I’m about to reveal might end up being changed in the end (this is publishing, after all, so never say “It’s done!”), but there’s a title to the new novel I’m finished and now editing.  And it’s…(drum roll)…

The Damned.

So no, it’s not really what you’d call warm and fuzzy (though it is ultimately about different kinds of love, in deeply twisted ways).

You can read the teaser opening pages of The Damned at the back of the Canadian paperback of The Demonologist that’s out now, as well as the US edition out in March.

Happy Damned New Year!

The Demonologist Paperback Out Today Canada-side!

As most of North America huddles beneath blankets and leaves well-crafted excuses at work explaining how they can’t come in today, The Demonologist paperback is published in Canada!

It’s an exciting way to start a new year – not just because it’s a new edition of the new book, but also because it’s such a beautiful wee document.  If you haven’t seen the cover yet, click below to witness the artful creepiness.

Happy New Year, Demons and Angels All!

The Demonologist – Paperback (Canada)


Despite my best efforts at denial and Tantric time-slowing, 2013 is winding down.  It’s been a great year hereabouts, and for a number of reasons.  I’m grateful for all of it – I’m grateful just to be around, to be honest, “good” year or “bad” – and that includes you all for checking in and maybe reading the books and maybe enjoying them and maybe even telling me so.  It means just about everything to me.

So here’s to a happy and time-slowed 2014!  Enjoy!

The Demonologist a Globe and Mail Best Book!

It may be a little surprising to see a novel about demons among the Christmas season picks in a national newspaper, but that’s where you’ll find The Demonologist this morning in the Globe and Mail’s Best 100 Books of the Year list.

It’s a wonderful honour to be on it, as it includes amazing Canadian fiction, non-fiction, international titles, graphic, poetry, the whole multi-genre bag.  Happy Evil Holidays!

The Globe and Mail Best 100 Books of 2013

The Demonologist an Amazon Best Book of the Year

The insightful and attractive people over at have recently announced their Top 20 favourite books of 2013, and The Demonologist is one of them!  They have it coming in at #16 overall (and that includes international and non-fiction titles as well as fiction).

I’m pleased about this, naturally – and doubly so because my novel is a thriller (a psychological horror thriller, to be even more categorical) – and books like mine rarely find their way through such Best Of filters.  Very grateful.

You can check out all the lists here:

Amazon Best Books of 2013

Lost Girls an E-Book in the U.S.

Today’s the day that the e-book edition of Lost Girls, my first novel, becomes available as an electro-read in the U.S. for the first time.

First published back through the dimmest mists of time (that is, 1999), it’s a book that keeps on inventing new lives for itself.  And look at it now!  All shiny and digitized!

Lost Girls e-book