The Story of the Next Two Novels

Simon & Schuster (both in the U.S. and Canada) will be the publisher of my next two novels, and I honestly couldn’t be happier!!  Everyone on both sides of the 49 have been great to work with on The Demonologist, none greater than my editor, Sarah Knight.

Publishers Weekly announced the deal today:

PW – Deals Column, May 20, 2013

The first book is currently titled Ash, and though the PW piece says a bit more about it, I think I’ll keep mum myself for now.  I will say this though:  I’m having a blast writing it…


The Demonologist a PW Top Ten Pick for Spring!

I see that The Demonologist has been picked by Publishers Weekly as one of the Top Ten Mystery & Thriller titles for Spring 2013!

Exciting in itself, and then you see that your book is on the list with a couple blokes named Stephen King and John LeCarre.

Heroes.  Influential heroes.

The Demonologist gets a Starred Review in Publishers Weekly!

In another pre-publication review, The Demonologist has received a Starred Review in the latest Publishers Weekly (the industry “bible” in the US).  What’s also appreciated about it is how the reviewer includes a couple of quotes from the novel, illustrating the time taken on the language of the thing.  I can spend a whole morning on half a sentence sometimes, so it’s fist-pumpingly gratifying when those particular hours of sweat and tears get a nod.

It’s rainy out there, you say?  Really?  What rain?

“A mesmerizing and melancholy narrative voice lends chilling credibility to this exceptional supernatural thriller.” – PW (starred review)

The Demonologist – PW (starred review)